3 Reasons Some Windows Fail Prematurely

Your windows play a huge role in maintaining the aesthetics, comfort and energy efficiency of your home. That’s why you’ll want to make sure they’re always in tip-top shape. There are some factors, however, that can make this a much more difficult task. Issues may pop up and cause your windows to fail long before they should. One of the trusted window and siding contractors in the area, Polk Contracting, Inc. shares why in this post.

1. Extensive Weather Damage. Constant weather exposure will wear down your windows over time. Storms can also cause the damage they’ve received to worsen. For instance, water can seep into the window material during a heavy downpour, encouraging mold and rot. Wind-blow debris can also break the glass and result in cracks and dents in the frames and sashes. While repairs can help prolong their life, window replacement is generally the better solution to extensive weather damage.

2. Poor Installation. When the windows are not installed properly in the first place, early failure is almost guaranteed. Are they actually sized correctly? Perhaps the gaps around the frames and the wall opening are not sealed the right way. That’s why you should always work with a reliable company like Polk Contracting, Inc. for your window and door replacement

Our professional team has the necessary training and experience to install your windows perfectly right the first time. We have always aimed to deliver the highest quality workmanship to the communities we serve. You won’t have to worry about premature window failure when you work with us. 

3. High Humidity Levels. You should be on the lookout for windows that constantly ‘sweat’ or fog up. When there’s excessive moisture inside your home, water vapor can collect around your windows’ glass and frames. This can seeps into the material and lead to discoloration, warping, or rot. A weakened window structure is recipe for premature failure, so deal with them promptly by turning to premier window and door contractor, Polk Contracting, Inc.

As one of the area’s top roofing and siding contractors, Polk Contracting, Inc. can provide you with exceptional solutions to all your home improvement needs. With our quality products from the most trusted brands, and our skilled, professional crew, we’ll make sure your project is completed to quality specifications. We proudly serve homeowners in Harford County and surrounding areas. Call us today at (410) 994-2801 or fill out this contact form to schedule your evaluation.