Ideal Time to Have Your Siding Replaced

Numerous homeowners contact their siding companies during the spring and summer months for a quotation on their replacement project. This definitely tells you that siding and door replacement companies are busy during these months. However, did you know that the fall months are the best time to have your siding replaced? Polk Contracting, Inc. shares more here. 

Cheaper Rates

During the fall months, business tends to be slow for your contractors. As such, there’s a high chance that they’ll give out promotions or discounted siding replacement or installation projects during these months. Most of the time, these instances happen during the late summertime months or early fall. This happens since they want to get rid of their sitting units to accommodate their new winter offerings. You can get a good deal as long as you can find out the best units for your home.

Summer and Winter Can Affect Your Project

Your siding contractors will tell you that the summer heat and winter cold can affect the outcome of your siding replacement project. Aside from affecting the performance of the contractors on the ground, it also has an impact on your siding materials. For instance, vinyl siding installed under searing heat can buckle or crack when it’s nailed once winter comes. This is why it’s important to install your new siding during the fall when the weather is calmer.

Your Home Will Be Ready For Winter

Having a faulty siding unit can be problematic during the winter months. The gaps present in the old siding can raise your electric bills due to air leaks and general inefficiency. When you have a new siding, you can rest assured that you’ll enjoy a great time in the winter since you have a comfortable living space.

Polk Contracting, Inc. is one of the premier window and door contractors in northern Maryland. You can count on us for reliable services. We proudly serve homeowners in all of Hartford, Ceil and Baltimore Counties. We promise to provide homeowners with the best restoration service. To learn more about our products, give a call today at (410) 835-4586. You can also request a FREE estimate by filling out our contact form and we’ll get back to you.