How to Choose Windows for a Rental Property

Even though your rental property is not your personal property, it does not make it any less of a home. You will want to make sure that it is visually appealing and functional. In this blog, a window installer and residential roofing service contractor shares a few aspects to consider when deciding on new windows for your rental property. 

Performance and Price

If you pick wood-clad double-hung windows, for example, you might be disappointed as they tend to be on the pricier range but not the most reliable when it comes to keeping cold drafts out. Costs generally vary depending on the frame material, and it is up to you whether you want to prioritize aesthetic appeal or practicality.

Energy-Efficient Features

Double-pane windows feature insulated panes of glass. This means there is a sealed space between the panes filled with argon gas to improve the thermal insulation of the unit. Another energy-efficient feature that most modern windows have is a low-E coating. In warmer climates, the coating is applied on the exterior of the glass to let the natural light in but reflect the heat. In colder regions, it is applied to the interior of the glass to keep the much-needed heat inside the home. It is a smart move to consult your window and roofing contractor regarding the additional features you may need to increase the energy efficiency of your home.

Window Ratings

Replacing old, drafty windows in your rental space is a substantial investment, so it is important to acquire all the information you need before installation. For example, the U-factor rating will indicate how well a window can keep the heat in. The solar heat gain coefficient shows how well a window can block unwanted heat from the sun. Ultimately, the best choice of windows will depend on whether or not the location you live in usually encounters high winds and extreme temperatures.

Whether you need a window replacement or insurance restoration contractor, Polk Contracting, Inc. is a name you can trust. Call (410) 835-4586 or fill out our contact form and we will set up a time to meet with you for a no-obligation estimate. We proudly serve homeowners in all of Harford, Cecil and Baltimore Counties.