What Are the Best Ways to Prevent Winter Roof Damage?

Harsh weather conditions and events make your roof more vulnerable to damage. You need to make sure that your roof is ready for the unique challenges each season brings. This winter, your roof would need to face snow and freezing temperatures.  

Get tips on how to mitigate winter roof damage from a trusted insurance restoration contractor

Improve Your Attic Ventilation

Insufficient attic ventilation can result in ice damming, which is one of the most damaging things your roof can face during the colder months. Ice dams form when your attic is too warm that it melts snow and ice on your roof. The snowmelt goes to the edges of your roof, where it can refreeze and create a dam, preventing melted snow from running off. Over time, icicles can form and damage your gutters, eaves, and shingles. 

Making sure your roof has proper ventilation remains the best way to prevent ice dams. Exhaust vents allow moist air to escape from your attic while intake vents help cool air to enter. Ice dams are less likely to form if you have a cooler attic. An experienced residential roofing service provider can tell if your roof needs better ventilation. 

Check the Condition of Your Underlayment

Ice and snow can melt and refreeze multiple times on your roof during winter. It means constantly having standing water on your roof. When not addressed, water will find its way to the cracks and openings in your roof, accelerating the deterioration of the material. 

Before winter, it’s always a good idea to have your roof checked by a professional. Underlayment is a waterproof barrier that prevents thawing ice from causing damage to the roof deck. Your roofing contractor applies underlayment at the leak prone areas of your roof. 

As one of the area’s top roofing and siding contractors, Polk Contracting can provide you with exceptional solutions to all your home improvement needs. With our quality products from the most trusted brands, and our skilled, professional crew, we’ll make sure your project is completed to quality specifications. We proudly serve homeowners in Bel Air, MD, and all of Harford, Cecil, and Baltimore Counties. Call us today at (410) 994-2801 or fill out this contact form to schedule your evaluation. We serve clients in Harford County and surrounding areas.