Common Culprits Behind Roof-Related Water Damage

When it comes to leakage, the damage doesn’t start or end with your roof. Water overtime can destroy anything in its path and wreak havoc on the rest of your home.

To help prevent water intrusion from ruining your home and to keep your entire property structurally sound, Polk Contracting talks about the common causes of roof leaks:

Shingle Deformation

Any residential roofing service expert will attest that many leaks begin with faulty shingles. Even if they’re properly installed, they will act up overtime after taking a beating from harsh elements.

Without proper maintenance, shingle issues can go unnoticed and quietly let water infiltrate your home interior. Curling, bulging, blistering and balding are telling signs of damage, but seeing shingles scattered everywhere is a red flag that you shouldn’t ignore.

Cracked Flashing

The role of the flashing is to protect your system’s most vulnerable areas, which is why its failure almost always leads to leakage. Once its sealant deteriorates and cracks, an experienced insurance restoration contractor will attest that its effectiveness as a waterproofing barrier diminishes.

Gutter Clogging

If your gutters and downspouts can’t drain properly because of debris buildup, the water can go anywhere. It can go upward, seep into the fascia and fill your roof’s wooden components with moisture. It can also overflow and pool around your home’s foundation. Runoff can likewise ruin your landscaping, especially when it lands directly on shrubbery and flowerbeds.

Ice Damming

Contrary to popular belief, ice dam formation isn’t a natural phenomenon; it happens when some parts of your roof are warmer than others. As snow melts, it refreezes upon reaching cooler areas. The ice dams put a great strain on your roof and cause the water to back up underneath the shingles. They can cause leaks to occur through the roof boards, and on to the finished spaces below. To prevent ice damming, a reliable roofing contractor will advise improving attic ventilation and insulation.

Whole-home maintenance begins with the roof. At Polk Contracting, we can schedule regular inspections to stay ahead of roof leaks and fix your system’s problems ASAP. Call us at (410) 660-2922 to discuss your roofing needs, and get a FREE estimate in Abingdon, Bel Air, or any neighboring MD community. We serve clients in Harford County and surrounding areas.